
Firestick Estate Inc. believes the senior Shadow Minister’s unconditional endorsement of “mass murder” and the coverups, as a proxy for the Federal Government and Opposition, enables our ten prioritised, book based Recommendations:

1. Establish a Minister for Treaties and Bushfire Mitigation

To return Australia to it’s former safer place and prevent further catastrophic extreme bushfires, begin by appointing a new Ministry, to honour the word of Australia’s second longest serving Prime Ministers: 

“Mr Howard said on nation wide television: We have made certain international commitments; … (environmental treaties) …having made those commitments, we are bound to keep them and implement them’ ”. (“mass murder” and the coverups, 2024, Chapter 23, “Huge fuel loads cause fire” page 135)

That the new Minister will:

2. Accept  responsibility for extreme bushfires

In 2020, our book’s author and two internationally renowned, extreme bushfire expert Foreword co-authors, were published in Australia’s top national rural newspaper, without rebuke from anyone: 

“Those who suggest bad bushfires are ‘natural disasters’, effectively disenfranchise Aboriginal care for country. Extreme bushfires are not ‘natural disasters’, as the government claims” (“mass murder” and the coverups, 2024, Chapter 28 Cheney, Packham and Malseed, page 166)

3. Commission an Australian bush audit

Relocate those existing University grant funds, currently spent on less relevant matters, to audit Australia’s bush nett biodiversity. Specifically, to establish the dollar value for Australia’s bushland top soil, water catchment degradation, flora and fauna. That will provide the real cost of future extreme bushfires, so those responsible can be held accountable for the actual losses incurred: 

“Even seeds in the soil are incinerated. In this national park, tall wet forests are now a sun-scorched wasteland. We’re left wearing hard hats in the bush, looking for live trees in a dead forest” (“mass murder” and the coverups, 2024, Chapter 11, Seed in the soil incinerated, page 78) and: “Extreme bushfires destroy million hectare ecosystems each decade, unmeasured, unrecorded and willfully in breach of Australia’s international environment commitments” (“mass murder” and the coverups, 2024, Epilogue, A comfort zone for shared knowledge, page 178)

4. Accept responsibility for fuel

In 2018 Australia’s, and possibly the world’s leading extreme bushfire scientist, stated in Australia’s leading, national rural newspaper, without rebuke by anyone: 

“If you look at risk, what you can control, fuel load is the only thing that matters” (“mass murder” and the coverups, 2024, Chapter 19, Government supervised arson infrastructure, page 117).

5. Conduct a worst case scenario death toll estimate

Fifteen years after the people were promised by the government, it:

“…must now provide a professional extreme bushfire ‘risk estimate’, which they collectively promised, when they endorsed the 2009 Royal Commission’s Recommendation Number 59…” (“mass murder” and the coverups, 2024, Chapter 4, Thousands of lives, page 45).

6. Decentralise Emergency Management

The 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission was informed by probably the top international expert on warnings – Harvard University Professor Herman B. Leonard – that:

“Centralised Emergency Centres worldwide, have a high warning failure rate” (Bushfire Death Trap-The Eltham Gateway 2013, Extreme Bushfires Emergency Warnings, page 16, click here for Paper).

Furthermore, endorsing that international expert, our 2021 investigation revealed:

“…if the misinformation contained in the official warnings for the Kilmore East Fire on Black Saturday had not been broadcast, most of the victims would have sought more reliable information about their impending fate, and survived” (“mass murder” and the coverups, 2024, Chapter 20, Firestick Estate investigates government warnings, page 123).

7. Accept basic accountability standards

In 2020, our Nation’s most influential newspaper, The Australian published: 

“…incompetent politicians…run a protection racket, exempting themselves from basic accountability standards…” (“mass murder” and the coverups, 2024, Chapter 28, Government double standards page 168).

8. Improve government forest management culture

Return government forest management from it’s systemically dysfunctional state, to it’s more grounded bureaucratic roots, by conducting an efficiency audit. The late Ray Evans history of the politicisation of Australian extreme bushfires concludes: 

“…in 1982, Joan Kirner was…the leader of the Socialist Left faction in the ALP…She also fired…the top three layers of the Forests Commission…From that day to this the department…known throughout rural Victoria as the Department of Scorched Earth, has been completely dysfunctional” (“mass murder” and the coverups, 2024, Chapter 8, The Socialist left takes over our forests, and Green, Burnt and Red All Over, page 62).

9. Promote Aboriginal prescribed burning fire

Within existing municipal structures, address a societal fear of Aboriginal fire and smoke, by drafting a format for community participation in micro scale prescribed burning in high risk residential urban parklands. Initially, a ‘Bonfires in the Winter’ education program, to promote the:

 “, healthy and ecologically enhancing benefits for the whole forest environment, most akin to Aboriginal prescribed burning …” (“mass murder” and the coverups, 2024, Chapter 29, The four classes of fire, page 173).

10. Copy Western Australia

The book’s Foreword co-authors present a brief summary of the development of Western Australia’s prescribed burning ‘bible’, the famous Red Book:

“Within three years (1961 to 1964) operational prescribed burning of large areas was in place across Western Australia’s northern Jarrah Forest” (“mass murder” and the coverups, 2024, Foreword, Managing fuel is the only thing we can do, page 8 and 10) .