
Firestick Estate is a volunteer group, set up to promote the protection of the Australian Estate’s ecology, people, stock and infrastructure from Extreme Bushfires. Our proposed solution is heavy on Government leadership and light on taxpayer funds, using locally modified versions of the 12 Recommendations from Bushfire Death Trap-The Eltham Gateway, Packham & Malseed, 2013 www.elthamsdeathtrap.com

In 2020 the Liberal Party of Australia’s Prime Minister finally acknowledged the federal government’s responsibility for Extreme Bushfires. A Federal inquiry was established, about which Australia’s most respected living bushfire expert, Phil Cheney, explained: “It’s the inevitable result of the governments abrogating their responsibilities to managing public lands”  Video Clip Here Full Video Sky News, 10 January  2020. The inquiry failed and “…guaranteed there will be future man-made fire disasters…” News, Weekly Times 4 November 2020.

From 2021 to 2024, Firestick Estate Inc. President, Tim Malseed, researched, wrote and printed “mass murder” and the coverups, about government criminal negligence with extreme bushfires in Australia. The book’s Foreword is written by Phil Cheney PSM, BSc (For.), The Ember Award 2010 (USA) and David Packham OAM MAp Sci, The Philip J. DiNenno Prize 2017 (USA).

To support your bush and suburbs being made healthier and safer from extreme bushfires, please donate to Firestick Estate, BSB 633-000 Acc. 154153456, Bendigo Community Bank, Diamond Creek. A small donation repeated by many becomes a big donation.