
Firestick Estate Inc. are: “…informed and science based…” advocates for the mitigation of extreme bushfires in Australia, explained in a 2024 book (click here for Book endorsement). Our Recommendations will save lives, Australia’s unique bush environment and money.

Following the Black Saturday Fires in 2009, our advocacy was local. We focused on the State of Victoria’s Shire of Nillumbik, one of Australia’s 537 local government municipalities. In 2013, we concluded that careful and unchallenged process with a Paper co-authored by an internationally acclaimed expert:

“Mr Packham co-authored a Paper with us, which attracted a flash of publicity and rare government/media responses. Those responses did not refute one word of our 100 page Paper (Bushfire Death Trap – The Eltham Gateway and additional documents interactive in the online version, Packham & Malseed, 13 March 2013). Two weeks after we published ‘elthamsdeathtrap’, the State of Victoria’s prime evening television news bulletin gave ‘top billing’ to our Paper. Subsequently, it appeared to us the story had been ‘shut down’” (“mass murder” and the coverups, 2024, Chapter 1, Top billing in one day’s ’News’ , page 21).

In 2014 our campaign on mitigating extreme bushfires, switched to the ‘money trail’, the fiduciary responsibility of the Federal government for those exceptionally damaging fires. Over the next seven years, we sent 29 letters to the Prime Minister and others, urging them to take responsibility for the extreme bushfires they funded. 

From 2021 to 2024 our President, Tim Malseed wrote a book about the government’s responses to those letters, called “mass murder” and the coverups. The book’s Foreword is written by two internationally awarded extreme bushfire experts; Phil Cheney PSM, BSc (For.), The Ember Award 2010 (USA) and David Packham OAM MAp Sci, The Philip J. DiNenno Prize 2017 (USA).

On July 1 2024, the Australian government Shadow Minister for Science and Manager of Opposition Business in the House stated: “Thanks for sending me a copy of your book ‘Mass Murder’ and the coverups These are very serious public safety issues and your informed and science-based advocacy is a valuable contribution”.

We believe the unconditional endorsement by the senior Shadow Minister, who entered Parliament after Black Saturday, was supported by the Government and Opposition. In our opinion, they could not say it in writing, because of a well founded fear about being blamed for the 2009 Black Saturday Fire’s deaths.

 “Plausible deniability was already their standard operating procedure for most extreme bushfire issues. In our opinion, the government knew they were being negligent and as long as they could deny later in government Courts, they would continue to deny responsibility” (“mass murder” and the coverups, 2024, Government history of plausibly denying accountability, page 56).

To support your bush and residential areas being made healthier and safer from extreme bushfires, please donate to Firestick Estate, BSB 633-000 Acc.154153456, Bendigo Community Bank, Diamond Creek).